Every control described here can be personalized. This wiki will ony cover the default controls.
You can move your player using the WASD keys:
Currently, there are two types of attacks in the game:
The direct attack
The chargeable attack
A direct attack is an attack which is triggered by a single left mouse click such as a melee weapon strike:
Once active, a direct attack cannot be stopped (unless the attacker dies).
A chargeable attack is an attack in two stages. First the attacker has to charge his attack by keeping the mouse left button pressed:
Once it is charged, releasing the button will trigger the attack:
If the mouse left button is released before the attack is completely charged, the attack is cancelled.
It is also possible to use the mouse right button to cancel a charging attack.
The chargeable indicator is located on the top left corner of the screen, also when an attack is charged, the mouse cursor changes its color to red:
Attack in chargeAttack charged
Ranged weapon and offensive spells fall into this attack category.
In this game there are only skill shots. Every attack can be dodged so be mobile and anticipate your enemies' actions.
Have fun!
Action bar
Your action bar can be filled with consommable items or spells. The first emplacement is reserved for your currently equipped weapon. Only one slot can be selected at a time and
the selected slot will react to your mouse input.
The action bar
To switch your selected slot you can click on it, use the mouse wheel or use the keyboard shortcut (key 1 to 6).
Spells can be found in the spellbook (the O key) and items in the inventory (the I key):
The spell book window
Your hud show you some information about your player stats. The red represent your player life, the blue your mana and the green your experience.
The hud
Respawn point
When you die, you respawn at your saved respawn point. Respawn point are represented by a hollow of white floating particles. You can update your saved respawn point by interacting with it by pressing the E key.
When you kill an enemy there is a small chance that it drops a loot on the ground which is represented by this sprite:
Move your player towards the loot entity and press the E key to start looting:
You can also drop items from your inventory to the ground by drag and dropping them and they will become a loot available for anyone interested in it.
A loot will desappear after 90 seconds without any player interaction.
NPC are non players entities you can interact with to buy items. Their name is displayed in green.
Certain items such as helmets, swords, etc. can be equipped. As of today there is no restriction on the equipment, therefore you can equip any item you may find in the Oshigo world. To equip an item, simply drag and drop it into the corresponding slot or use the mouse right clic:
An equipment can have two types of statistics modifiers:
Modifiers of addition (add the given amount to your raw stat)
Modifiers of multiplication (multiply your stat by the given percentage)
The modifier of multiplication is applied after the modifier of addition. Furthermore, before it is applied all the multiplication modifiers are added together. For example, if my helmet and my sword gives me respectively 2 and 3 % of physical attack, the final value to apply will be 5%
All the equipped items are visible on your character.
You can decide to participate into players versus players fights simply by toggling this icon:
Pvp disabledPvp enabled
You can only fight with the players who have enabled their PVP flag. Once you engaged a PVP fight, your name turns red and you cannot disable your PVP flag until you stop fighting for a certain period of time.
Day night cycle
There is a day night cycle. Each cycle last 10 minutes. The system is not optimal yet but it will be improved in future versions.
You can press the N key to toggle your character light.